Royal Mail is expected to have a loss of around £350m, excluding voluntary redundancy costs.
"In the event that significant change within Royal Mail is not achieved, all options remain open to protect the value and prospects of the group, including separation of the two companies," the trading update said. GLS is on track to profit between €370 and €410m this financial year. Email forwarding generically refers to the operation of re-sending an email message delivered to one email address to one or more different email addresses. The parent company warned that it may separate the companies to prevent GLS subsidising the losses of Royal Mail. International Distributions Services also owns GLS, a profitable international, Amsterdam based logistics company. "This announcement is holding postal workers to ransom for taking legal industrial action against a business approach that is not in the interests of workers, customers or the future of Royal Mail. "The CWU is calling for an urgent meeting with the board and will put forward an alternative business plan at that meeting. Royal Mail losing £1m a day, chairman says Royal Mail rewards investors with £400m payday after COVID boost to parcels This is done by entering the second email address into the 'Send copy to' field of the mailbox, thats all. According to your description, you want to send a copy of an email that arrives in a mailbox to another mailbox. "What the company should be doing is abandoning its asset-stripping strategy and building the future based on utilising the competitive edge it already has in its deliveries to 32 million addresses across the country. Do not add an email forward as what you want is not a forward and a forward cannot be added when you want to have a mailbox.
Here’s how to check if it’s already on the system: rpm -qa grep postfix. It’s the default mail server on the lion’s share of Linux distributions these days, which is good because server admins like it a lot. Up to twenty-one days are to be affected by the strikes.Ĭommenting on the announcement CWU general secretary Dave Ward said: "The announcement is the result of gross mismanagement and a failed business agenda of ending daily deliveries, a wholesale levelling-down of the terms, pay and conditions of postal workers, and turning Royal Mail into a gig economy style parcel courier. In order to configure a Linux mail server, you’ll first need to check if Postfix is already installed. Around 115,000 Royal Mail staff walked out over pay and conditions in what the CWU said is the biggest national strike of any sector this year.