While this outcome is a possibility, though, the reveal that Ronnie is Savitar surely wouldn't have the impact of other characters on this list. It makes sense that Savitar would manipulate that but, at the same time, we have other characters on this.

It is possible that he could have ended up in the Speed Force and gained super-sized speedster powers. Wally has always been a character in love with himself and the idea of being a superhero. The show has built another villain reveal over what has felt like forever but at. Ronnie's fate was left pretty open ended as all we know is that he got sucked into the Singularity that opened up above the city. Well, if you didnt hear, tonight The Flash revealed Savitars identity. no one hurt Flash like Savitar did, and no one punishes himself more for not being better. Sometimes it works better than other times, but Barry trying to pull off Savitar’s head while saying show your face seems to suggest that the reveal will be a familiar face. For those with short memories, Ronnie used to be one half of Firestorm and Caitlin's fiancee - until he sacrificed himself to save Central City at the end of season one. The reveal of Savitar's identity could change everything for Barry Allen - at least we hope it does. Someone who springs to mind in this category is Ronnie Raymond. Though she had been mistrusting of the God of Speed before, once she sees his face she immediately says: "what do you need me to do?" Clearly, Savitar is someone that Caitlin trusts implicitly. For the sake of completion, there’s a chance that Jay could be Savitar, since he sacrificed himself to the Speed Force prison to save Wally.

In the final scene of the episode, Savitar reveals his face to Killer Frost. On the one hand, having Savitar revealed as a future Barry delivers a major emotional punch to all the characters on Team Flash - including Barry himself. The mystery of who this new Flash could be ran for months, and was especially intriguing since he revealed himself to other characters but not the reader only to have him reveal that he.